All SCDT members are required to complete a membership form, sign the diver's code of conduct and return to SCDT either at or in person to a Committee Member. Parents/carers are also asked to sign the Parent & Carers Code of Conduct which can be found here.
Payments can be made via:
BACS to Sort code 089299 Account 65720891.
Please reference diver's name & fee payable. -
or via cheques made payable to Sunderland City Dive Team
and handed to a member of the Committee.

All diving sessions at Sunderland’s Aquatic Centre and at Washington Arts Centre are arranged by Everyone Active and our coaches are employees of Everyone Active. For this reason monthly fees are paid direct to them. Annual and monthly costs are set by Everyone Active, in consultation with Sunderland City Dive Team’s committee. Participation in competitions, our own and those across the country, are arranged by and the responsibility of Sunderland City Dive Team, including competition entry fees (paid by each diver) and fees to coaches for their additional coaching hours to support our divers at competitions around the country and internationally (paid for by the Committee).
What do our fees include?
All SCDT Club Members must pay a Club Membership of £45 per year. Additional family members receive a 50% discount (£22.50).
In addition all divers must register with Swim England with fees payable as below.