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Join the Committee

SCDT is a volunteer led organisation. We rely on the support of parents and carers to take on official roles within our Committee. Alongside the essential roles of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Head Coach, we are always looking for people to step into roles including Team Manager, Volunteer Co-ordinator and Fundraiser. All vacancies for the Committee are advertised in advance of our Annual General Meetings in July.  However, if you are interested in a Committee role please do not hesitate to contact our Chair on .


In order to operate as a Club we are required to have a Welfare Officer, who acts independently of the Committee, but who is invited to attend and be fully involved in the Committee meetings throughout the year. 


Volunteer with us

Throughout the year we rely on the support of parents, carers, family members and friends to support the Club.  Whether that is marshalling at our annual competition, fundraising, helping to organise additional activities or our Awards Evening we welcome and encourage volunteering.  For our teenage divers, volunteering can support them to achieve awards such as Duke of Edinburgh in school or college.  For adults there are lots of opportunities to attend training courses and gain qualifications for example as a Team Manager, a competition judge or a chaperone.  All opportunities to attend training courses are posted below and circulated via our parents and carers what's app group.

If you are interested in volunteering with the club, please let us know by contacting the Committee on


Qualifications & training courses

The ASA offer a range of courses throughout the year for coaches and volunteers.  These include qualifications for coaching and judging as well as safeguarding, Time to Listen, team management, chaperoning and fundraising.

For further information please contact the SCDT Secretary on 


SUnderland city dive team

Enquiries: SCDT Secretary at


For Everyone Active at Sunderland Aquatic Centre contact 0191 514 4300


SCDT Welfare Officer contact Joanne Norton at



Thanks for submitting!

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